Hello friends! Welcome back to my blog. I've got something different for you on the blog today. I will be sharing a mini-series of canvases this month. The theme will carry throughout and will culminate with the final and third piece. Some of you might have noticed I've been enjoying bright colors lately. Well, I just can't help myself. We will create a psychedelic-themed set of Alice in Wonderland canvases. I hope you will enjoy the journey with me! Let's get lost again, shall we?!
Product list
**Let's get our topsy tipsy on, shall we?!**
1. You'll want to begin by laying down a nice layer of white gesso over the entire surface
*Hint: I have a 10x10 canvas
2. While that dries, alter your chipboard pieces using black gesso
*Hint: Don't gesso the card sets
3. After the white gesso is completely dry, splatter some watered-down black gesso on the canvas
4. Next, you use some acrylic paint to color the deck of cards
*Hint: I used Impasto paints
5. Now use some texture paste of your choice and cover Alice and the Teapot
*Hint: This gives the pieces some extra interest separating them from other pieces
6. While those dry, assemble your shaker
7. Dry brush the edges of your card set and canvas with black gesso
8. Then using a coordinating Sparks paint dry brush the card set giving it some sparkle and flair
9. Use some gold wax to highlight both the teapot and Alice. Using the same wax give the canvas a frame
10. Assembly time! Begin with the card set, adhere them as if you were holding them in your hand
11. Adhere one piece at a time thoughtfully to not have any excess glue smooshing
12. For finishing touches add some sequins and clear enamel dots
13. Finally, brush on some gold wax to your casting and adhere it to the card set
*Hint: I placed mine to match the direction of the heart on the card
**Here are some close-ups for you to enjoy!!**
**Have a beautifully wacky day my friends!**